Welcome to Teen Pregnancy Statistics

teen pregnancy

The purpose of this site is to help teens who believe they may be pregnant, and parents of adolescents who suspect their teenager may be pregnant, or becoming sexually active. Our website is designed to help educate on the statistics of teenage pregnancy and options for young mothers. Articles include prevention, sex education, abstinence, and abortion and adoption options.  Get help with unexpected early pregnancy and teenage parenting.

Teen Adoption Options
An unexpected teen pregnancy can create a very emotional time. Deciding how to handle a teen pregnancy, and what choice will be best for you and your baby is difficult. This article discusses teen adoption options. Keep reading to see what types of adoptions are available to teens.
Reasons for Teen Pregnancies
There are many reasons for teen pregnancies. Read this article to learn about some of the issues teenagers face relating to sex, dating, and pregnancy. Get ideas on how to educate and help prevent early pregnancy in adolescents by learning the reasons for teen pregnancies.
Teen Pregnancy Health Risks
Teen pregnancy health risks can be more greater than the risks of a pregnant adult. This article discusses some of the health risks pregnant teens should be aware of and the signs and symptoms to look for to help prevent any problems and have a healthy pregnancy.
Teen Pregnancy Statistics
Teen pregnancy statistics show the number of teens getting pregnant each year is on the rise. The teen pregnancy statistics may be demonstrating existing methods of pregnancy prevention, namely abstinence only, is not effective. Read on for more teen pregancy stats.