Welcome to Teen Pregnancy Statistics

teen pregnancy

The purpose of this site is to help teens who believe they may be pregnant, and parents of adolescents who suspect their teenager may be pregnant, or becoming sexually active. Our website is designed to help educate on the statistics of teenage pregnancy and options for young mothers. Articles include prevention, sex education, abstinence, and abortion and adoption options.  Get help with unexpected early pregnancy and teenage parenting.

Help for Pregnant Teens
There is a lot of available help for pregnant teens, learn how to find help for pregnant teens in your area. Read more about other issues pregnant teenagers face such as health, education, parenting skills, and other life skills that are unique to pregnant teens.
Teen Pregnancy Signs
Teen Pregnancy Signs aren't always obvious in early pregnancy. Because a teenager may be scared, she may try to hide her pregnancy. Early medical care is critical for pregnant teens. Find out what to look for if you think a teen you know may be pregnant.
Free Birth Control Under Affordable Care Act
Free birth control under the Affordable Care Act is a new addition to the U.S. health care bill passed in August, 2012. Now, women can get free birth control under Affordable Care Act without having to pay a copay or a anything more than your insurance premium.
Teenage Abortion Statistics
Teenage abortion statistics often correlate with unplanned teen pregnancy rates. This article contains stats and facts about teen pregnancy and abortion.  Keep reading for information on the physical and emotional effects of abortion, and alternatives to abortion.